okay now im going to answer this questionnaire which i got if from
kak nadia's blog. i think its kinda interesting! but im not being tagged for it tho =.=
Instruction : Once you are tagged , answer all the questions honestly . No lying or cheating :D
Starting time : 6.32AM *bgn awal kn i? tak tdo lgi duhh*
Name : Norhazatul Anis Binti Norzalee *sebjik dlm ic oke*
Brother(s) : 5. 2oldest.(abg fifi and abg jan) 3youngest.(shah, ajoy and ekai)
Eye colour :brown! my dad's gene eventho not tht brown when im inherit it T________T
Shoe size : 7/8. besaq en?
Hair : medium length.
Piercings : 11holes. but wear only 9holes
What are you wearing right now : my grandma's maid tracksuit and my sister's tshirt. XD
Where do you live : taman wira, telok ayaq tawaq, butterworth!
Favourite number : 1,7,17
Favourite drink : lime juice. *potong lemak*
Favourite breakfast : nasik lemak and roti canai! *slalu nk dua2. sukaaaa!*
Broken a bone : not yet =p
Been in a police car : not yet =p
Fallen for a friend : hurmm. not sure.
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : sometimes kot?
Swam in the ocean : yes. *swim lah sgt*
Fallen asleep in school : almost everyday. LOL
Broken someone's heart : not tht kind of gurl. coz i dnt know how and i dont dare.
Cried when someone died : depends. LOL
Save e-mails : yeahhh. always. got 3 folder. *works. entertainment and anyss*
Been cheated on : yup. once for now. hate him like hell. will forget it but not forgive *evil grind =)
Your room look like : tongkang pecah. sumpah semak wey!
What is right beside you : my cousin.
What is the last thing you ate : nasik lemak at RNR Tapah. bley tahan sdap aaa. rugi bli satu =.=
Who did you last yell at? : i always yell duhh
Who was the last person you danced with? : dance mcm mna?? dance merapu ada la with bff nadi and eny! check out
Who last made you smile : dont know
What are you listening to right now? : nothing
What did you do today? : wake up at 230pm. then online until my bf come see me at 730pm. 630pm visit my neighbor and at 9pm went to KL
Are you the oldest : 3 over 8
Indoors or outdoors : both but more to outdoors lah for sure!
Talk to someone you like? : yeppp
Kiss anyone? : nooooo
Sing? : tiap saat
Talk to an ex? : hell no
Miss someone : kindaa
Eat? : of coz derr
You talked to on the phone? : my bf. around 845pm
Made you cry? : haaa my bf ler
You went to the mall with? : bff. eny and nadia again
Who cheered you up? : lotsss
Been to Mexico? : tak
Been to USA? : tak
Have a crush on someone : damn! msti la
What books are you reading right now? : facebook. lol
Best feeling in the world : the 1 i crush on talk to me! and when sum1 made me laugh
Future kids name? : eleanor and norafrinafri
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : never ever!
What's under your bed? : x pnh check pon =.=
Favourite sport(s) : none
Favourite place : malls. hahha esp in bb!
Who do you really hate? : ihsan ismie and affie mustaffa
Do you have a job? : jobless
What time is it now? : 710AM. *while fb i did this*