okaaayy.... lets start with me, myself n i..this is the 1st time im into blog thingie lah kn... a few reason tht i wrote this blog are my friends always questioning me, "anis xda blog ker?" "nk bc ur blog!" i was like..."oh sorry i xwat blog lgey..nnt2 kot...." so here comes tht nnt2 lah kan..myb.. if menjadiklah kn my blog ney..idk..but i wish..another reason is i want to have my own blog la psal asyk view blog org ja....nk jugak ada sndri punya kn....aceyh..but i always thinking, "ada ka org nk bc blog aku ney? dh la x famous, menyombong ngn org ja slalu....adoi lantaklah jnji syok sndri ckup lah....(",)"
got what i mean? hehehe.. just wanna tell people out there tht im taken by sum1 tht i really love which is Muhammad Faiz BIn Zainul Abidin,24. He is so handsome n perfect in my eyes even nobody is perfect aite. aceyh. kalaw dh syg tuh, suma ok kn. hurm even our age is diff 4 about 6years but we xkesah at all...coz 4 us love is blind.. no matter what race or age, as long we love each other, we can stick together...aww...sweet la konon ayat i ney. tp bila time gado, mulut i punya la jahat! jd evil devil trus.. ngeeee~ cian syg kn... huhuuuhh. tp mna da org gado ckp sopan2...suma maki2 kn. ehe.. actly we hv been together since 13 March 2007... so kira next week ckup 2years lah. aceyh. wish us happily ever after kay.... Amin~
i know every1 love their family. so do i. i am so lucky to have such a big family consist of my daddy cool, mom vogue, 2 eldest bro, 3 youngest bro n 2 youngest sis. altogether we r 8 siblings! while 10 of us including mom n dad... even we r not from the rich fam, we stil happy n care 4 each other...
he is my beloved dad! so handsome n look young...wit his sharp nose. n fair skin..sexy lips.. y lah i xdpt his features... the coolest dad in da world... im so lucky hvg him as my dad! he is my hero....he is understanding also.....even we didnt talk so much but i really love him......quiet man... he love to play comp game....a good chef also.... daddy u rock!
mom! y u always bsing2 at me? asyk mrh ja. hehe. but its ok coz u wont scold me 4 no reason. rite? i hope so.... she such a good chef...every1 surely puji her cook..esp her laksa penang.. she is a hardworking mother..she never stop doing her housewife's routine. she's vogue. at her age stil can wear legging.. adoi kalah i... her body is great even dh ank 8...thnx mom 4 everythng.
this macho-lah-konon man nie is my 1st bro........ 21years old...single.myb? yg psti blom kahwen lah.... working as shop manager at colins...stay in usj.....he is funny man sumtimes annoying.. ank kesygn my mom kot. nyampah!
yg ney 2nd bro.... dia sgt baek...i always mnta tlg he bw me p mna2 when i kt kl...hehhe.. adekmu suka buli so sbr byk2 yea.....he is 20 kot... dh ada gf....dia ney sgt pndai wat i gelak.. loqlaq! btw he stil studying
the third in family 4 sure lah me! hehe.. kira 1st girl lah..... kakak...hahha... i am so fierce... n ska berleter... ska wat semak n lazy!
they are my bro yg green shirt tuh.. 16 and17.....they r not twin tp rmai igt twin.......they rapat n such a troublemaker....cm devil twin..... hahahaa.. always play dota......
ok yg ney adik pompoanku which is no 6 from sibling... bdak ney tomboy.....tp mnat PCD.....ahaha... member she turning into girlish kot.....pndai tp pemalas.....eeeiiii.......... ska cr psal ngn me n semakkan my room...
yg left tuh haikal 9, 2nd last yg right side tuh alyssa 5....both dh p skolah....haikal tu pengawas ooo....dia ska maen n ska dressing hop...alyssa tu plak sgt comel n so girlish.......they brighten my life......
ima food lover! hahha. this is my bad behaviour which is kalaw melantak x igt dunia. mkn bygk gla! mna x gemok. hahha. but i am so greatful tht i sng lose weight. so xrsaw sgt la kalaw gain weight pown. hahha.psal pnh skali tuh my weight naek smp 6kg in 2weeks... coz time tuh nk dkat spm, punya la stress smp mkn ja keja, so i diet 4 1week then my weight trun 4kg... lalalalalalalala~ lps tuh apa lg, melantak la blk...konon la nk diet.....kejap2 ja bley la.....
sumtimes b4 i eat, i will snap the pic 1st coz i love food lah. spagheti n mushroom soup tuh i do myself..eheehe. two plates is 4 me n faiz. aceyh. nk amek ht dia kot time ney.. myb couple laen prefer date 4 a movie or play bowl but not 4 us, coz we prefer JALAN2 CR MAKAN~
LotS of Love 4 FoOds! giVE it a go!! start with the cheapest food we can get, which is at pasar malam for sure! bwk rm5 pown dh ckup! especially time budjet lari.. jgn ngada pk nk p autocity. juz jln kaki n go to the nite market. trust me. its worth it. this is my fav 1 lah.......sushi! yummy! sushi king da best among all... i think so.... hehe..my syg love this too... he the 1 who teach me to eat sushi n nw i always sangap this expensive food... hahha pdn muka dia kna bw i mkn sushi slalu! hehehe. nsb baek i sign up 4 a member card.. at least dpt gak 20% discount every meal..=) last two week br mkn tp rs cm setahun x mkn cni... huuuhhuuhuu.. my fav menu is sakana n unagi n udano double. bgitu juga miso soup n bla2.... adoi.. dan2 perut berbunyi.. cesss xguna betoi .... n bnda wajib buat kalaw mkn kt sushi king adlh i will take all the chopstick n tissue in da box n put it in my handbeg.. bkn nk curi tp amek without permission. ngeeeeeeee~
for me manhattan fish market is the best n not- so- expensive place for seafood.. set G02 i like the most! oyster... gosh.. dugaan byk tuleih psal food ney. adoi.... lapar2. kang aku geledah jugak peti ais cr MAKANAN. hahha. sialan. time aku snap logo kt meja tuh waiter tuh cm plek pehal la bdak ney. aku pown jeling, biarla hati suka. bluek! owh johnny's.... ur siamese food make me cant sleep la... haahaahaha.. mushroom fried rice dia the best lah..... n the thai tea..... tp kalaw dh lapar tue suma nya sdap kn..... my lovely baskin robins.......yg ney kalaw nk mkn ice cream dia kna tggu 31st of every month lah... kalaw x, mahal gla siot! butter pecan n almond is my fav.. tp kalaw dh tringin sgt, 1 scoop pown jd lah even x puas.......huhuhuhu... seoul garden tmpt plg best melantak! bygkn bbQ n steamboat at the same time! at least i spend 2hours mkn kt sni.. mmg puas lah.....i can eat everything! kalaw suma customer cam aku mmg bankrap la diorg. br diorg tau langit tggi ka rndh.....selera penang is coffee house at HOtel Gran Continental,Penang which is the place tht my dad working....... masakan kmpg kt cni sgt sdap....chef dia laki mamak punya! aka my dad's friend lah kan.. i dtg mkn cni wat muka seposen esp time xdak duet, then my dad hv to pay 4 me lah. jahatnya aku ney. sorry daddy! last but not least......eden! yes2! im coming! all the meals meltz in my mouth with tasty taste....... esp cashew nut chicken dia yg waw tuh...... tp jaoh gak la nk smp sni.... from b'worth to batu feringhi...adeyh.. tp kalaw d ngidam sgt, apa aku kesah. hahha.
and tak lupa jugak kpd yg laen2... nando....kfc....mcd...pizza hut..dominos.. jCo...big apple.. starbuck......leomag.....burger king...subaidah....pelita n many2 more....
tgk skyway tuh mst taw where im headin to kn? genting highland 4 sure.....ahaks! its very cold up there. windy gla. n kabus dia gla tebal. cnt see anything bla dh nk smp ats. at 1st tuh takot la jugak naek skyway tuh, mna x nya, ter sengkak2, i pk kalaw jatoh mmg x dpt di selamatkn lah. tp lma2 ada bran lah. hahha. aftr 40min kot smp la akhirnya.....
benda pusing2 ney x la takot pown. cuma very dizzy lps maen ths game. adoi. saket pala! pening! b4 maen i pose jap nk camhore dlu. aceyh. cuba bygkn tym pusing2 tuh i tercmpak keluar then jatoh cm nangka busuk? fuyooo... mst nyesal seumur hdup... thts y la kna pkai seatbelt..safety 1st! bring ur heart home! =) i played all those games n machine whtsoever called lah. solero pown i play! n the superman yg kna byr asing rm10 tuh. bnda yg scary i cm speechless time maen tuh. takot smp xda suara nk jerit. gulp! bley bygkn betapa buruknya my face time ketakotan tuh.
this is our last date which is on 27Feb, at JCO donuts sunway pyramid.. nsb baek i jz had my dinner time tuh, kalaw x..... xpndg la donut2, nk mkn heavy2! hahha..he came to kl coz wanna meet me..sweeet kn? aceyh. as if im at london ka.. kalaw jaouh2 agk2 dia nk dt ka? =P huhu. kt sunway pyrmd tuh ja la tmpt yg plg jaoh aku leh gagah...psal dkt ngn my grandma hse.. miss him so much lah even we cntact everyday tru sms n call...... jz wanna tell u dear tht im waiting 4 u to come n see me again n again!