halo(beyonce xdtg,i gnti na) hahha. cnfirm xdak sapa nk mai lah anis oi. wah lma nya i x update blog.
ok2 jz nk gtaw yg im having sem break rite nw. 3weeks!(taw la sat jea) tp xpaaaaaa.. stil hol. hahha
so nw jz lepaking at home. bt today i did when out to jusco. at perda. wit my junior neighbor. she jz finished her pmr. so she want me to company her 4 shopping n b her fashion advisor as she adore my style. gosh. kak anis besa ja laaaa.
b4 she n her mom come n fetch me, my mom said tht im so skinny and as me to put on weight which i replied big NO NO to her. no way mom! i prefer to b slim n slender from a chubby 1. coz not suit wit my face n height. lgpown i want to maintain myself wearing XS clothes. hahha smp bila i cn stil wear it. let us see ok. ya lah coz i eat a lot. A LOT.
so we went 4 a few shops afta we had our lunch(my 2nd lunch coz i already ate at home. wink~) frm 4pm to 8pm.... so fast time moves. xsedaq kot dh few hours. i jz bought 3pairs of earing to be match wit my kebaya n baju kurung 4 ths becoming knduri of my mom's bff's nephew.. got it? maid of honour. yeah whtever. she bought 2pairs of blouse n a pair of wedges on my advice. hahha. bajet stylo sgt lah aku nih. k then b4 we went home sempat dinner plak. eventho tiring but enjoy lahhh.
so here some pixa. malas nk update suma. =)
ko bru start cuti?
mine was 3 weeks jgk,
tp nk blik start sem 2 da pown..
uhukk. D:
cantik gila kasot angg.
mine is 20th oct til 6nov.
mst best kn life kt sna?
wey besa ja lah.
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